Used Truth or Lies Playstation 3 Game tested and guaranteed to work. here
Product Details
Playstation 3
NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020. here
We have a 121-day warranty period for all of our products. If you are experiencing any issues or aren’t satisfied with your item within 121 days, contact us and get your issue resolved. It’s that simple! View our full Return policy page here.
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Product came sooner then I figured in good packaging. Taking my gaming to a whole new level is what the PS3 did for me. I use the system to up my gaming experience in sequels and triologies to older games from previous systems. A must addition for all kinds of gamers.
Die Playstation war ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für unserem Sohn. Es hat mich sehr gefreut das die Playstation mit Original Karton nochmal in einem extra Karton mit sehr viel Füllmaterial verpackt wurde. Somit hatte unser Sohn zwar das Paket vor seinem Geburtstag gesehen, hatte aber keine Ahnung was drin war. Die Playstation sieht aus wie neu, keine Kratzer, gar nichts, an der Konsole genau so. An der Verpackung hat man gesehen das sie oft auf und zu gemacht wurde, aber sonst nix weiter. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und mein Sohn auch.😉
We use this product to play games on it and we use it to watch blie
It’s ok at most. I don’t expect it to last too long. I play it when my Playstation 4 Pro boars me.
This was a Christmas gift for my son and daughter-in-law, who are into gaming big time. They have been enjoying it very much.
Love it!! husband can’t get off.My only problem is that I paid for it to come early and it didnt but they did hook me up with a free controller and game
I love this product. The packaging was great and the gameplay was awesome. It came with everything it said it did.
I can’t stress how happy I am with this thing. I wanted it just to play Ratchet and Clank Future, but now I just can’t get enough of it. It plays PS1 and PS2 disks, has a bunch of memory card slots, has 4 USB slots, and now, I have upgraded the hard drive to 160gb. This is very easy to do, so that’s a plus as well. I’d strongly recommend this to any serious gamer.
Klavierlack, relativ leise und man kann noch die Festplatten ein/ausbauen. Grundsätzlich das ausgewogenste System aller PS3 Varianten. Manko: "nur" 80GB, was bei weitem kaum ausreicht wenn man viele DLCs hat. Aber dafür lässt sich die Festplatte einfach wechseln und es gibt gute Anleitungen dafür im Netz.Hab meine auf 500GB aufgestockt und schnurrt immer noch wie ein Kätzchen brav vor sich hin :)