Introduction Mario, the iconic plumber created by Shigeru Miyamoto, has become the face of Nintendo and one of the most recognizable characters in gaming history. His adventures across various Nintendo consoles have not only entertained millions but have also significantly influenced the evolution of video games. From his humble beginnings in “Donkey Kong” to the […]
Tag: Super Mario Odyssey
All You Need to Know About Nintendo 3DS
The Nintendo 3DS is not the first name that comes to our mind when talking about the greatest gaming consoles, and that’s a bummer. This gaming console might be the last dedicated gaming handheld console produced by Nintendo and comes with a large collection of games to offer. Besides, it can still give a tough […]
The Rise and Fall of N64 Platformers
Contents: Introduction N64 Platformers The Golden Age of N64 Platformers The Factors Behind the Decline N64 Platformers’ Enduring Influence Modern Revivals: N64 Platformers on the Nintendo Switch The Collectible Appeal: N64 Games and Consoles The Legacy of N64 Platformers: A Conclusion Introduction The Nintendo 64, often affectionately referred to as the N64, stands as a […]