In the dimly lit corridors of video game history, one franchise stands as a towering gothic monument: Castlevania. Born in the era of pixelated adventures and 8-bit symphonies, this iconic series has transcended time, captivating generations of gamers with its blend of action, horror, and haunting melodies. From its humble beginnings in 1986 to its […]
Tag: retro
7 Best Nintendo 3DS Fighting Games
Are you an avid fan of fighting games and are also just looking for the best ones for your Nintendo 3DS? If your answer is yes, then look no further because we are about to discuss some of the best Nintendo 3DS fighting games. The fighting games have come a long way and given us […]
Where To Sell Nintendo DS Games: A Comprehensive Guide
Looking for a place to sell your done and dusted Nintendo DS games? Then let’s head to the Retro vGames to get quick cash or make valuable trades now! If you got some Nintendo DS games idly sitting on your shelf, then you can consider getting the best value out of them. However, finding the […]