Introduction The world of gaming underwent a seismic shift in the mid-’90s with the introduction of the Nintendo 64 console. As gaming entered the realm of 3D, it brought with it a transformation in the way children interacted with digital entertainment. The Nintendo 64, with its groundbreaking technology and innovative games, played a pivotal role […]
Tag: childhood
5 Best Consoles For Retro Games You Must Try
No doubt, modern games like PUBG and Fortnite are ruling the gaming universe at the moment. They offer simultaneous gameplay with immersive graphics and incredible motion effects. But it’s no secret that retro video games are still a fantastic way to revive your childhood & make the best use of your spare time. So, let’s […]
Why Are Retro Games so Expensive? Settling The Debate
After climbing through the market a bit, you might have instantly figured out that the retro game prices are skyrocketing. But likely, you’ve got a past with them and want to figure out what caused such a boost in their pricing. If it sounds familiar, stick with us, we’ll guide you thoroughly on the subject. […]