In the dimly lit corridors of video game history, one franchise stands as a towering gothic monument: Castlevania. Born in the era of pixelated adventures and 8-bit symphonies, this iconic series has transcended time, captivating generations of gamers with its blend of action, horror, and haunting melodies. From its humble beginnings in 1986 to its […]
Tag: action
6 Best Game Boy Games Like Zelda
Did Zelda leave a huge influence on you and now you are looking for something similar to play? Well don’t worry; we’ve got your back! There is a variety of Game Boy games like Zelda available for you to explore. However, choosing one game to play out of so many options takes a lot of […]
9 Best WiiU Games That Won’t Ever Get Old
Dive in to learn some of the best games for Nintendo’s first attempt to create a hybrid handheld-household console!