The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified. N64 Games may be reproductions or authentic copies. If you would like to know before purchasing, please contact our customer service.
After years of waging war against the alien aggressors, Earth is on the verge of being completely annihilated. One last effort to bring the mass destruction to an end is underway. You are part of a secret assault force sent to fight your way through heavily fortified military installations in order to lower the alienās defenses and shut down their war machine. Featuring an up to four player Deathmatch, fully customizable controls and save game features, this masterpiece takes gaming to an undefined level! Incredible engine speed and fluidity intensify each level to a fast-paced, high-action gameplay experience.
Platform:Nintendo 64
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
A fun game to play.
Awesome looking cartridge in premium condition, and played like a charm. Nice buy! Hello Quake 2 I havent seen you in 14 years!
love game
Love it
Got exactly what I ordered: the game cartridge. Was delivered in a timely manner. Apparently need to add filler to post.
I played this game originally on a friend’s PC, and it was okay, played this version on my N64 and had to have it… Its much better graphics wise and blood and guts wise than the original Quake. Also, beats the crap out of DOOM64 by a long margin. You have to have it to believe it. I am hooked, now Im getting off my computer and playing some quake with my buds. Did I mention you can play more than one player? and you can play against each other too? YOU CAN
Not only was the game cheap, but I also got the box and manual. All 3 came in excellent condition. The shop also shipped it way fast for standard shipping. 5 stars!
Surprisingly I never got a chance to play the original on the computer, but the N64 version seems to portray the insanity well. As I understand it the weapons, enemies and level textures are the same, but the actual level designs are N64-exclusive, which is a neat touch. Much like the first Quake it’s not a thinking man’s shooter like Perfect Dark or GoldenEye, but there are some surprising elements such as the enemies that take potshots at you in their death throes. And while there’s no online component, it offers a commendable split-screen experience.The N64 did well with shooters, and Quake II is a solid addition to the library. My only real gripe is with the series itself; from this point on we lost the moody Gothic feel of the original for something much more sci-fi. Still, that may not matter when the enemies come tearing into you.
Works great