In this award-winning universe created by Gearbox Software, experience the story of Rhys and Fiona, unwilling partners on a quest for greatness. The Hyperion ‘suit’ and the con artist embark on an adventure to recover cash they both think is theirs – on the unforgiving world of Pandora.
Product Details
Action & Adventure
Playstation 3
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
I really enjoyed playing, couldn’t stop playing until I completed it honestly. Definitely kept me entertained!
Best tale tale game I’ve played so far
One of the very best TellTale games that absolutely nails the Borderlands universe. I never played a Borderlands game before playing this, and I absolutely loved it.
I really had no interest in this until I heard that people were saying that it just might be TellTale’s second best game (behind season 1 of the walking dead, obviously). I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised. It’s well written, acted, and surprisingly funny.
Tales From The Borderlands is HILARIOUS! This isn’t first person like the other Borderlands games which I haven’t played yet cause I’m not a big fan of first person games (I hate not seeing my character’s backs) but OMG Tales From The Borderlands is so funny I’m going to play The other Borderlands games now. The fact that this game is making me want to play a first person game in the near future is amazing cause I stay away from that but it this instance if the other games in the series is half as hilarious as this game is then I’m sold.
Really good game. Easy to play. More of a fun story than anything else. I’m glad I bought this. Highly recommend.
One of my favorite games, really fleshes out the Borderlands universe.
My son loved it and the price was right!
Great game I love the Telltale games!!! Especially Batman and the wolf among us
Telltale always makes great games. This came as described and was another winning title.